- Peg 2 Piles
- 1 Carp (9lb 14oz amd 5 little fish)
- 10lb 5oz
- 3rd in my ten peg section
- 5th out of 64 people.
The marnia was filled up with tap water, which I think didn't do the fishing any good |
This was a tough match, and the once fish filled venue proved almost impossible to catch |
I knew I was doing bad, as Dathan (my camera man) and fallen asleep! |
After forty mintues, my tip went round and I had 10lb carp. Lucky man |
Dave Johnson with one fish for 14lb 7oz |
Andy Powell with his 14lb 5oz and 8 Drams
1 14lb 5oz (caught a carp and a big bream in the last twenty mintues)
2 Chris (me) 10lb 5oz, 5 tiny fish and one large carp
3DNW - 4oz
4 Robby Keapner blank - never had a bite
5 11 oz
6 1lb 1
9 Dave Johnson, one carp for 14lb 7oz, that was his only fish!
10 DNW
11 1lb
12 1lb 11oz
13 5oz
14 dnw
15 dnw
16 15oz
17 1lb 5oz
18 2lb 6oz 1big perch.
19 5oz
20 8oz
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