- Peg 26
- 87lb
- Lucky win
- 14 people fished
Another F1 carp for Rich |
Rich Hoskins in action on peg 4, on his way to 2nd place. |
Is probably my personal favourite pool, as it’s a little more straight forward fishing and solid with fish. There is a large had of carp, that range from 3lb 8lb (not uncommon for 10lbers to show) and the F1’s average around the 2lb mark. Methods wise, pole, feeder and waggler are main attack and pellet is key to a lot of success all year round. In the summer months dog biscuit can be devasting and Steve Ford is incredibly good at this way of fishing, he has the venue record of over 340lb and even has Chris Cameron fishing it this year. Fishing long line (2-3meters) on the pole on float, about a size 14 hook to a bait band, couldn’t be much simpler.
My match
Looking at the met office weather report it was strong winds and heavy rain. So I decide to can feeder rod and pole, very simple. Left the float rods at home (bad mistake, that could of cost me the match, but more of that later) and was going to fish pellets and more pellets. On the method I mould round 4mm and 2mm skretting coarse pellet and fed 6mm skretting coarse pellet on the 13 meters pole line, look to catch on the deck with banded pellet and “tap” in the last hour.
I started on the pole, which didn’t go to plan, so therefore after 10 bite less minutes decided to cast the method at 20 meters, which went round after 4 minutes, which was a relief. The lake was fishing much harder than I thought, undoubtedly all the cold rain we have had over the last week and also the temperature as dropped a lot, down 15oc rather than hitting 20oc and colder nights. I’m gutted to say that our English summer is over, must be getting old talking about the weather. However the weather does plan a major factor in fishing, especially as carp fishing seem to be more sensitive than women!
The next hour was steady on the method and over the next 50 minutes I had 7 carp and 1 big F1. Bites were coming between 4-10 minutes and the bigger fish were coming later. I had “pinged” pellets at 13 meters and had a few fish blowing, so decided to go on it, as bites had slowed up on the feeder.
The last hour saw me have a frustrating time, as I had lost 3 large carp, which I think had all been foul hooked, one of which come in backwards about 7lb, which I lost after playing it for a good 5 minutes. I was surprised to weigh in 87lb and even more surprised to win the match. Despite the venue fishing hard, the weights were reasonably and consistent around the lake.
Vespe Peg 26
Daiwa Gordon League Peg 4
Sneyd MG Peg 28
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