Sunday, 30 October 2016

Kennet and Avon canal. Piles

Peg 19
4lb 6oz 8 drams
No good
2nd in section (6 in section, but one peg didn't get drawn, so 5)

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Saturday, 29 October 2016

Manor Farm Leisure - Individual Winter League. Round 1

Peg 23 Middle Pool
Won section 
Won match
23 fished
Caught 5 carp, 2 skimmers and the rest F1's.

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Angling Trust Winter League. Round 3. Bristol Avon - Chippenham

6lb 2oz
Third in section
48 fished the match

Round 3 of Angling Trust Winter League on Bristol Avon.  Drew peg C1, was concerned as Neil Richards had it last week and struggled.  To add salt to the wound, my peg was covered in leaves. And I do me covered. This was a nightmare.  Could lay the rig correctly and it was like pellet fishing, big heavy float and lowering it slowly.  Not ideal for roach in 10 foot of water.

Trashed 3 rigs, broke a top 1 section ( yep it's true I finally broke a section off my Colmic F44 pole, oak tree was a bit tough), up the tree three times with waggler and caught about 60 leaves.  Last two hours was unbelievable hard, no bites.

I ended up with 6lb 2oz and third section.  I had about 50 small roach, 10 perch, 2 bleak and 3 tiny dace.  Not sure how I could of caught double figures.  

DGL won with 32 points and there were 4 teams on 29 points, including ourselves. On count back it looks like we were 4th on the day.

Peg by peg

Individual league

Sunday, 16 October 2016

Angling Trust Winter League - Round 2- Chippenham and Melksham Bristol Avon

10lb 14oz 8 drams
Section win
Team second on the day

Drew "Suicide Straight" which fished well last week so I was told, but was fished yesterday in a match. Not ideal, but I'm not one to moan.

Was told to fish the waggler for chublets, which I feed for 3 hours and fails to catch on it, unbelievable. But in reflection, chub were caught yesterday, then hardly surprising they didn't feed.

Caught 76 roach for around 7lb and 4lb of chop fish, 2 big roach, 5 perch and three chublets (2 x 3oz and 1 x 10oz).

Don't wanna say too much as we have another round next week,  so hope we do well as a team again.

Peg by peg.

Evesham Tackle stocks a wide range of Colmic products.
New Colmic One 2.0 Evolution are in stock (19/10/16) 
01386 424997

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Friday, 14 October 2016

Alders Farm Fishery - Joseph James Law

Peg 25 Pines
40lb 14oz
5th in my 12 peg section
60 people fished the match

I drew peg 25 Pines which was a little concerning, and hoped to catch early and late, and unfortunately either happened!!  I felt that everything I tried to do, was unproductive and got that sinking feeling very quickly,  I wish I fished a blinkered match and fished negative pellet match with micros and lasso pellet.  But that was difficult as anglers on pegs 2 and 3 were catching shallow and that didn't happen.  I guess I was a due a bad result from Pines as last years winter league was a bit too kind!!

The Colmic boys done well in my opinion, and we were a couple of points off third place.  Frank was awesome, as always, and to come fourth off peg 7 is very good as to beat pegs 1, 2 and 3 was almost impossible.  
Gary had the shallowest peg on the complex and a little cut off, but hey we try the rough with smooth. 24 Anglers on the lake, we didn't have the room to spread people out.  Also he still weighed 103lb
Glen, can't comment about his peg, as never fished it and never fished the specimen lake in a match.
Liam, had a real slow start and done well to pull it back a bit
Me.... Well, in reflection I could of had maybe 60lb to 70lb but got it wrong on the day.

Team Performance

Frank Donachie A section, Peg 7 Pool, 19  9 points.
Gary Donachie B section, Peg 25 Ash Pool, 103lb 5 points (we 
Glen Picton C section, Peg 5, 35lb, 11 points
Liam Dennick D section, Peg 6 Pines Lake, 61lb, 8 points
Myself E Section, Peg 25 Pines Lake, 40lb 14oz, 8 points

41 points we think??  We were 5th overall.  I was more interested in the food, than the results!!! 😜

Top teams were

Drennan 53 points
Garbolino 51 points
Preston 44 points

Special thank you to Joseph James Law.

See link below

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Manor Farm Leisure - Boundary Pool

Peg 8 Boundary Pool
Second overall
10 fished

After a busy few weeks of work, it was nice to fish a mid week open.  Was undecided where to go, so decided to go to Manor Farm Leisure. 

Boundary is a great lake, as when the float goes under you don't know what it could be.... anything from a beautiful ghost carp to small skimmer. 

For me I was going to keep it simple and fish the pole and pellets and the bomb.  Simples.  4mm pellets on pole and 8mm pellets on the lead.  The wind was really awarked and did hinder presentation.  The peg came good in the last 40 mintues, which was a little to late for me to pull it back, and Stich had beat me by 10lb...

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Sunday, 9 October 2016

Bristol Avon - Melksham and Chippenham

Peg 17 Melksham
4lb 4oz
2nd in section
58 fished

I play my fish quite hard, as the river was full of weed and therefore gave it some on decent gear, unfortunately came back with a scale, so god knows what I foul hooked, i don't believe it to be a pike?!?!

Pike let go of the perch.  Lost a 10oz perch to pike...

Pike were a massive problem.  I honestly believe there's loads of roach, but didn't wanna feed as they were going to get eaten.  I almost got one of the pike in (wouldn't count) and it was double figures.  

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Radcot and Lechlade - Round 1 of Angling Trust Winter League

Peg C6
11lb 15oz
Won match
Team won
48 fished the match

Its funny, I said to Jon Walker yesterday that I would love to draw end peg at Lechlade by the pub and what do I go and do?  Draw the best peg on the river.... no pressure then!!

I kitted up a mountain of gear.... and it was an organised chaos.  My teammate Paz (Paul Passmore) said to target perch, music to my ears from arguably the best angler on the Upper Thames.   However, the match started really slow, I was worried as a good 45 mintues had gone and I was messying up the best peg on the Thames!!  It was concerning as the 6 metre, 14 metre and 14.5 metre chop lines was unproductive with me only catching 3 bleak.  

I was lucky as I had a run of perch on the chop worm and had 12 perch on the bounce!!  This settled my nerves a little and then Bob Davis (Martix bank runner) come up and advise me that my 5lb was good in my section ( 1 hour 30 mintues in).

The match was tough, I caught best on a Colmic Stream 1 gram, 0.152 F1 Spider, 0.09 stream with Hayubussa 128 size 18 hook and various sizes of worm.  Positive rig wasn't too great.   I had 5 bonus perch, biggest about a pound and really disappointed to only catch 5 roach.

Team wise we won it on the day and I won the match individually.  We did tie on points with Gordon League, but they lost on section wins count back. 3 -

Peg by peg 

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